•     Prof. Dr. Xiaochun Gong

        * 08.2008 - 06.2012: Bachelor, Ocean University of China
        * 09.2012 - 07.2017: PhD of Optics Science at East China Normal University, (Strong field physics, Prof. Jian Wu)
        * 07.2015 - 08.2015: Visitor, Photonics Institute,Vienna University of Technology
        * 01.2018 - 12.2018: Post Doc, Laboratory of Chemistry biology at ETH Zurich, (Attosecond electron dynamics, Prof. Hans Jakob Woerner)
        * 09.2017 - 10.2021: Zijiang Young Researcher,East China Normal University
        * 11.2021 - to date: Zijiang Outstanding Researcher,East China Normal University

Open Positions

"Master", "PhD", and "Postdoc" research position in following directions:

* Fundamental Research 1: Attosecond electron motion in atoms and molecules:AttoPhysics+AttoChemistry
* Fundamental Research 2: Ultrafast electron and nuclear coupling in complex molecules: FemtoChemistry
* Fundamental Research 3: Ultrafast electron motion in condensed matter: AttoSolid
* Fundamental Research 4: Attosecond science in surface and complex biological systems:AttoBio
* Application 5: ultrashort and intense femtosecond laser pulse generation: FemtoLightSource
* Application 6: Attosecond VUV/EUV light source and its applications in structure science: AttoLightSource

We do something really useful, important, and unique in ultrafast science. If you are interested in our research directions and works, please feel free to contact me gxiaochun.1989@gmail.com.

Current Group Memembers

* Mr. Yuan Kang, PhD
* Mr. Xuhan Wang, PhD

Former Group Memembers

* Ms. 韩露露 Lulu Han, 2022.09.06-2024.03.31
* Ms. 徐一丹 Yidan Xu, 2020.07.10-2024.03.31
* Mr. 左子潭 Zitan Zuo, 2020.06.28-2024.03.31
* Dr. 姜雯昱 Wenyu Jiang, 2019.01.01-2024.03.31
* Dr. 童继红 JiHong Tong, 2019.01.01-2023.12.31